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United Youth Named Company of the Year

This dedicated group of 17 students from different schools came together in September to form their own mini company.

Just like a regular company, United Youth had accomplishments as well as struggles to overcome. Through those struggles, the students grew stronger and learned together as a company.

The Process

As any adult would with a job, these students earned their way into the Junior Achievement program through an interview. When selected, they were placed onto a company sponsored team with other students from different high schools, many of whom they didn’t know.

Now the fun begins. These students formed their own company as they came up with a name, a mission, elected officers and decided on a start up product and chose their company products for this 13 week program.

The HFS Sponsored company, United Youth, seemed to mesh well from the beginning. With the help of 11 HFS staff advisors, the students worked their way through each milestone along their journey and still had fun along the way!

Students from the HFs Sponsored Junior Achievement Company, United Youth, are repotting their succulent plants, one of their company products

The Result

At the Annual Future Unlimited Banquet, on January 31, the achievers saw just how much their hard work paid off! By the end of the night, the following awards were given out to achievers from United Youth:

  • 100% Attendance Club – Awarded to 9 United Youth Achievers
  • Achiever Award – Awarded to 5 United Youth Achievers
  • Outstanding Sales Award – Awarded to 12 United Youth Achievers
  • Executive Award – Awarded to 8 United Youth Achievers
  • Outstanding Sales Presentation Award – 2nd Place
  • Outstanding Vice President Award – Awarded to United Youth’s VP’s of HR, Production and Public Relations
  • Trade Fair Company Award
  • Outstanding President Award – Awarded to the United Youth President
  • Scholarship Award – 1 United Youth Achiever was awarded $500 and the other was awarded $1,000
  • Company of the Year 

Students from United Youth, a Junior Achievement Company, smile as they hold the certificates for the awards they won at the end of the year banquet


HFS would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the staff advisors who gave of their time to help with the Junior Achievement Program. Although it requires some long hours, the results are worth it when you see the students learn and grow throughout the process.

staff from hfs pose for a group photo, they were all advisors of the high school junior achievement program

Congratulations to all of the Junior Achievement companies that participated in this year’s program. You should be very proud of what you created and achieved in such a short time. Job well done!

United Youth, we are proud to have been your sponsoring company. You are all hardworking and responsible young individuals, who grew into a family. We hope to see you back next year! To our graduating seniors, we will miss you! We wish you the best of luck in all that you pursue.

Graduating seniors from United Youth pose with their gifts, HFS duffel bags.


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