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How to Survive Black Friday

1. Stay home

Seriously though, many retailers feature online deals that match those in store. Instead of searching for parking, fighting crowds, and taking the chance at not having the item you want – shop online instead from the comfort of your home. You can even enjoy some Thanksgiving leftovers while you shop!

2. Create a plan

I never go into Black Friday shopping without having a plan first. Use the week leading up to Black Friday to check out the sale ads for all of the featured deals at the stores you plan to visit. Jot down those items that you know you want to purchase (even write down the price to make sure it matches the price shown in store), and then make a list of those things you are interested in, but aren’t must haves. Make note of any special store hours and decide which stores you want to visit and in what order. Having a plan helps keep you organized and feeling less stressed throughout the day. It also keeps you from aimlessly wandering the stores trying to see what you want. Grab what you want first, then browse for any other in-store deals you just can’t pass up.

3. Bring a friend

Shopping is always more fun with a friend! Find a friend or family member who also wants to head out into the madness, and make a day out of it! Having two or more people makes it easier to split up and grab certain items before the store runs out, which can speed up the time spent in each store. You’ll have a buddy to keep you company if you need to wait in line anywhere and you can make time to grab lunch together while you rest your feet from all the running around.

4. Create a budget

While you’re creating your plan, it’s important to figure out your budget! Black Friday is full of deeply discounted items that can be hard to pass up, but that makes it very easy to overspend. Don’t let one day de-rail your budget for the next few months. Figure out how much you need to spend on your must have items and set a limit of how much you’ll spend on impulse purchases that day. You don’t want to end your day regretting your purchases as you think about all the money you spent.

Use these tips to help you conquer Black Friday, or enjoy your day if you plan on staying home and shopping in your fuzzy slippers. Feel free to comment below if you have your own tips on how to survive Black Friday!

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