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Aloha Co., JA Company of the Year

HFS would like to say a big congratulations to our High School Junior Achievement company, Aloha Co for their terrific achievements including Company of the Year!

Starting in September, a group of 14 freshman, sophomore and senior students from Waiakea, Kea‘au and Kamehameha High School came together to form their very own company, Aloha Co. The students made quartz pendant necklaces and branded lanyards to sell (you may have seen them in our lobby selling their products). Together they earned over $9,900 in sales and ended the year with a company stock of $102.

At the Futures Unlimited Banquet held on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, the company received numerous awards for their hard work including:

  • Highest Company Sales
  • Outstanding Vice President of Production
  • Outstanding Vice President of Finance
  • Company of the Year
  • and more!

HFS would like to wish our two senior achievers, President, Ruby Galapon and Vice President of Public Relations, Jayla Alonzo-Estrada the best of luck as they finish up their senior year and prepare for their next journey ahead.

We couldn’t be prouder of these terrific students!

group photo of JA students and advisors
JA president and VP of PR
JA President and Officers

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