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HFS in the Community – September

Hawai‘i Island Realtors 7th Annual Home Expo

The Prince Kuhio Plaza was bustling with activity on September 7th for the Home Expo. Staff members from HFS were there to help answer questions and hand out fun items all day long (like rice paddles and ice cream scoops!). We even held a drawing where two lucky winners who visited our booth each won a $100 gift card to HPM. Mahalo to everyone who stopped by to visit us, and to the Hawai‘i Island Realtors for inviting us back again this year.

two staff members sitting at a table smiling

High School Junior Achievement

The High School Junior Achievement program officially started in the month of September! Each year HFS mentors a company of students with a team of 5-10 staff members who volunteer their time. Students manage their company from the ground up, including voting on officers, creating a mission statement, and creating products that they’ll sell in just a few short months. We may have just started, but this year is off to a fantastic start. We can’t wait to see what these students create!

students stand in front of a welcome sign and balloons at the entrance to their classroom

Deposit Day Program

This year’s Deposit Day Program starts up again with the exciting news that St. Joseph Elementary has joined the program! That brings the program up to 3 schools – Waiakea Elementary, Kea‘au Elementary and St. Joseph Elementary. The first Deposit Days took place on September 18th and 19th. It’s always great to start off our day with the smiling faces of all the keiki coming to deposit their money and grow their savings!

HFS staff member helps a student coint her coins

Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Hilo

Our staff and their families came out for an early morning at Lili‘uokalani Gardens to walk for a cause – the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. It was a beautiful sunny morning with many community members coming together to support the cause and honor their loved ones who have been affected by Alzheimer’s in some way. Mahalo to the Alzheimer’s Association – Aloha Chapter for putting on such a fantastic event!

group staff photo at the Walk to End Alzheimer's

Waiakea High Reality Workshops

Our staff visited three different classes of Waiakea High Seniors on September 24th to teach them what real world finances are all about. Each class participated in a Reality Fair Workshop where they were given a new identity (complete with a career, income, a family and even debt) and then proceeded to make financial decisions while trying to manage their household budget. As students went through the workshop, we heard comments like “I wonder if this is how my mom feels?”, “Adults have to do this?”, “I don’t need name brand things, it’s too expensive” and simply “I cannot believe”. It was an eye opening experience for these students who will be experiencing the real world once they graduate. Mahalo to Waiakea High for having us!

a staff member stands at the front of the classroom talking to students about the Reality Fair Workshop instructions

Fraudulent Text Messages claiming to be from HFS are circulating. Please do not click on suspicious links and contact the credit union if unsure!